Important information for families and friends of Tennessee inmates
The Tennessee Department of Corrections web site has hundreds of pages. But here on one page, I have selected the topics the families and friends are usually looking for.....
Do you need information on prison facilites? Go to the Tennessee Corrections Facilities Page. Click on the link to the prison and you will go to a page that will give you:
At the bottom right of each prison page, you will see a box for additional links. Be sure to click two of these:
You can access the Department "Policy 507.1 Visitation" and a blank "Visitor Form" at the top of this page. Note they are both pdf files
Are you aware of the rules concerning inmate mail? The DOC is very strict about what can and cannot be sent to an inmate through the mail. The Tennessee Inmates Mail Page will give the 4 steps you need to complete to send mail. Note the blue link at the very top of the page to 'Policy 507.2'. This will give you all the information you need about inmate mail. It is a must read for families and friends.
Did you know you can send a package to an inmate? Go to the Tennessee Inmate Package Web Site to read how to this. The first thing you do is select a facility and click "shop". It will lead you through the process. Items you may purchase (depending on the facility) includes clothing, games, linen and shoes.
Are you looking for a Tennessee inmate? Click over to the
Tennessee Inmate Search Page and you will be guided to the page to find them.
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