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If you have found this site helpful to you, please share this site with others. My purpose in building this site was to give people free access to a lot of information that they might not have known how to access. Time after time, I have talked to families who find it difficult to get accurate answers to the many questions they have when someone is sent to jail or prison. So if you know of other families and friends of those serving time in a prison or county jail, it would help if you could point others to this site. I would really appreciate it. And, if you have a website or a blog, please add a link to this site on one of your webpages. You can easily refer people to my site by using the simple HTML code supplied below. Thanks in advance, Sam It's easy. Simply copy and paste the HTML code in the box anywhere on your website or blog. All the codes will cause the links to open into a "new" window. So, when your visitor closes the "new" window, the current window (yours) will still be open underneath it. This is the perfect way to share this site and not lose any of your visitors. Code For Text Link The Free Inmate Locator |